Operation Pivot Point and a Corrupt Sheriff. (Pt.2)

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This is a federal proffer given by one time Scottie Palk girlfriend Amanda Judd conducted by investigators from the DEA, TBI, Waverly Police Department and Humphreys County Sheriff’s Office during a federal investigation called Operation Pivot Point in 2010 which was an OCDETF (Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force) organised by the Drug Enforcement Agency.

This is just one interview included in over 3000 pages of documents obtained by The Southern Independent. What these documents describe is by far one of the largest methamphetamine manufacturing and distribution operations ever discovered in the state of Tennessee. An operation where in some cases its participants would travel outside out of the country to purchase pseudoephedrine pills that were used in the production of well over 200 pounds of methamphetamine in the Dickson, Humphreys, Henry and Benton County areas.

In this proffer Ms. Judd describe how Scottie Palk was obtaining up to 20,000 pseudoephedrine pills a week that were being shipped to him via Fed-Ex or UPS by a individual named Tammy Huddleston who lived in Benton County, TN. She goes on to give information about Scottie manufacturing meth at a lab on Capps Road in McEwen, TN. A lab that was discovered by investigators in September of 2009.

This is the same meth lab Scottie states Sheriff Davis warned him that investigators had discovered in a recorded interview given to our investigators in 2013. A warning that can be corroborated by phone records obtained by The Southern Independent that clearly show Sheriff Davis placing a call from his county issued cellphone to a cellphone linked to Scottie Palk shortly before investigators arrived on Capps Road.

According to our information Ms. Judd did not know about Scottie’s and Sheriff Davis’ arrangement however she does give information concerning a dispatcher for the Benton County Sheriff’s Office who was allegedly passing information about law enforcement activities to prevent individuals from being arrested.

While Scottie gave information about Sheriff Davis taking a $5000 bribe to our investigators in 2013 this was not the first time he made that admission. In 2010, on the day of his federal court sentencing in Jackson, TN. he told Pivot Point investigators about his and Sheriff Davis’ arrangement who in turn informed Special Agent Brut Murray with the FBI who never investigated. A allegation that can be corroborated by the fact the FBI never questioned him.


Amanda Judd Proffer March 2009


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